FSLabs A320x
Anyone have this lovely plane yet? FSX version has been released about a week ago and I hopefully the P3D version will arrive shortly after.www.google.com................ 怎么还有外国友人啊 坐等破解大法、、、、、 I'm aware of it, just wanted to bring it to everyone's attention about this plane. 88独行侠88 发表于 2016-9-3 13:47
国外的到这边来基本上来下载插件的............. 88独行侠88 发表于 2016-9-3 13:47
你看他的回帖就知道了 来这里本来就是为了插件。淡定淡定。 等破解.......不是不破,時辰未到~!!!! 淡定淡定,時辰未到~,说的好啊! 漫长的等待之路,,,有生之年的期盼 耐心等待破解.......... Yes I know, patience is a virtue, heheh :) but it is too ecpensive 不曉得跟aerosoft相比,誰比較好? 有人用了吗?卡不卡机 Aerosoft's version is good but FSLabs version is much more complex and detailed. If you like to fly casually, then the Aerosoft version is fine but if you want to study the plane and learn more about it, then get FSLabs. 甚个意思?翻译翻译:lol 长期生活在国外的华人,国内管理太严格,不准进入驾驶舱,不过QR的机师还有空乘还是比较好说话的,如果乘坐FIRST CLASS,登机的时候又没有什么人,还是允许进入驾驶舱拍个照什么的,我的头像就是实拍A320的驾驶舱 有没有翻译的啊另外 欢迎国际友人