spider767 发表于 2016-9-9 22:38:54

Aerosoft's version is good but FSLabs version is much more complex and detailed. If you like to fly casually, then the Aerosoft version is fine but if you want to study the plane and learn more about it, then get FSLabs.

spider767 发表于 2016-9-9 22:57:26

I saw someone on the web says that the fsl A320 won't be craeked shortly,at least 3-6 months if u want to get a perfect one ,they guess it gonna have lot of problems by the time the earlier version released,so keep looking dude~I'm also waiting for this product,lol~(bad English, forget about those grammar mistake)

pekingflyer 发表于 2016-9-10 13:36:30

Hello, Lone Ranger and thank you for the welcome! :)

I'm using google translate to communicate with you guys or else I won't be able to understand anything. ;P
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