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发表于 2024-4-25 15:39:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  • 47部机型OJT训练:可提供ME、AV专业飞机机型OJT训练科目、129项飞机维修考核项目及学员训练成绩管理,内容覆盖737和320飞机全部维修培训章节内容。
  • 147 aircraft models for OJT training: This provides training subjects for ME and AV professional aircraft models, 129 aircraft maintenance assessment items, and student training performance management. The content covers all maintenance training chapters for Boeing 737 and Airbus 320 aircraft.
  • 专项培训:内容包括驾驶舱和设备舱通电测试、故障分析判断与排除等。
  • Specialized training: This includes of the cockpit and equipment compartment, fault analysis and troubleshooting, etc.
  • 发动机试车和应急情况处置训练:可进行发动机试车前准备、发动机正常试车和156项应急情况处置训练,培养学员发现、分析、判断以及处置故障的能力。
  • Engine run-up and emergency situation handling training: This allows for engine run-up preparation, normal engine run-up, and 156 emergency situation handling trainings. It cultivates students' abilities to discover, analyze, judge, and handle faults.
  • 持卡操作训练:设计了资料屏,可显示所有维护手册,并且能够与训练科目自动关联,供学员进行读卡操作训练。
  • Card operation training: A data screen is designed to display all maintenance manuals, and it can automatically correlate with training subjects for students to conduct card operation training.
  • 辅助训练:具备状态设定、同步显示、资料查询等功能。
  • Auxiliary training: This includes features such as status setting, synchronized display, and data query.
  • 客户化设计:系统在设计开发阶段已经预留软硬件接口,可针对不同培训机构的培训需求,对训练科目进行设计开发。
  • Custom design: The system has reserved hardware and software interfaces during the design and development stage, allowing for the design and development of training subjects based on the training needs of different training institutions.
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