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优翼仿真西锐SR20 5级训练器通过民航局鉴定,为中航飞校...

发表于 2024-4-12 15:31:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 优翼仿真 于 2024-4-15 16:34 编辑


Recently, the U-Wing’s Cirrus SR20 flight training device (FTD) delivered to AVIC Flight Academy has successfully certified by Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) Level 5, and the certified device has further helped improve the flight training quality of Cirrus SR20 models of AVIC Flight Academy.

微信图片_20211111115105.jpg 西锐SR20五级训练器效果图-新20230131.jpg

本次通过鉴定的SR20 飞行训练器由优翼仿真自主研发生产,采用1:1仿真驾驶舱,搭载 Cirrus Perspective+ by Garmin仿真航电系统及GFC700自动驾驶仪系统,精确还原了西锐SR20飞机的所有飞行和操作特性。视景系统采用VSV国产高清视景引擎,领先的大规模建模技术再现了逼真的飞行环境,与传统视景相比能够更好地满足通航低空目视飞行的特定需求。力闭环控制的操纵负荷系统精确模拟了飞机控制的真实反馈,有效增强了飞行训练的沉浸感。

The SR20 FTD, independently developed and produced by U-Wing Simulation, features a 1:1 simulation cockpit and is equipped with the Cirrus Perspective+ by Garmin simulation avionics system and the GFC700 autopilot system, accurately replicating all the flight and operational characteristics of the Cirrus SR20 aircraft. The visual system, which utilizes a domestic high-definition visual engine VSV and leads in large-scale modeling technology, is able to recreate a realistic flying environment. This system meets the specific requirements of visual flight at low altitude in general aviation better than traditional visual systems. The force closed-loop control load system accurately simulates the real feedback of aircraft control, effectively enhancing the immersive experience of flight training.


A representative from AVIC Flight Academy stated, "This Cirrus SR20 Flight Training Device offers higher fidelity and a more immersive experience for our trainees, and provides flight instructors with a more convenient and efficient training management experience. It helps the flight school to improve training efficiency, reduce training costs, and enhance training quality and management levels."

近年来,中航飞校的人员和机队规模不断壮大,现有6架西锐SR-20型航空器在黎平基地运行。此次西锐SR20 五级训练器初始鉴定的通过,中航飞校实现了真机与训练器同机型的配套训练,进一步完善了黎平基地的训练设施,预计将大幅提升整体培训效率,为飞校完成飞行目标及实现发展规划奠定了坚实基础。

In recent years, the personnel and fleet size of AVIC Flight Academy have been continuously expanding, with six Cirrus SR20 aircraft currently operated at the Liping base. The initial certification of the Level 5 Trainer for the Cirrus SR20 model allows AVIC Flight Academy to achieve training with the same model of aircraft and simulator, further improving the training facilities at the Liping base. This is expected to significantly enhance the overall training efficiency, laying a solid foundation for the flight school to achieve its flight goals and development plans.

About AVIC Flight Academy



AVIC Flight Academy, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Co.. Ltd. under the Aviation Industry Corporation of China,LTD.(AVIC), and is part of Aifeike Holding Co., Ltd. It is a 91 and 141 civil pilot flight training school approved by the CAAC. The school now has 36 aircraft, 34 flight instructors, is one of the most abundant flight schools in the scale of training, one of the most powerful teachers, the school is committed to shaping the domestic "safest, high-quality, will be honest" professional training brand, has for Shenzhen Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Chengdu Airlines, Kunming Airlines, China Express, Donghai Airlines and other airlines to send nearly 1,000 pilots.

About U-Wing Simulation


广东优翼航空技术有限公司(简称“优翼仿真”) 成立于2016年,面向全球客户提供航空仿真解决方案,包括飞行训练设备研发制造、飞行模拟机搬迁和升级服务、二手模拟机交易服务,是中国第一家将国产自研飞行训练设备出口海外并建立全球销售服务体系的企业。公司入选创新驱动企业名录,被评为广东省高新技术企业、专精特新中小企业,已成长为国产化自主研发飞行训练设备技术领军企业。


优翼仿真已经具备自主研发和生产所有通用航空飞机飞行训练器的能力,设备同时满足CCAR-60 5级、FAA FTD 5级和EASA FNPT II级鉴定要求,达到国内领先、国际一流水平。优翼仿真作为一家具有远大愿景的全球航空仿真解决方案供应商,被公认为是飞行训练设备行业的领导者,正在全球航空训练变革的大时代中扮演越来越重要的角色。

Founded in 2016, U-Wing Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. (U-Wing Simulation) supplies aviation simulation solutions to global customers, including R&D and manufacturing of Flight Training Devices (FTD), relocation and upgrade services for Full Flight Simulators (FFS), and second-hand simulator trading services, which has grown into a leading enterprise in the technology of FTD.

Headquartered in Zhuhai, U-Wing Simulation has set up Manufacture Center in Zhengzhou and global sales subsidiaries in Beijing , while overseas sales service centers have set up in Singapore, Paris, and Toronto, creating a worldwide sales and service network.

U-Wing Simulation has the capability to independently develop and produce all of general aviation aircrafts FTD, and the devices meet the requirements of CCAR-60 level 5 and the FAA FTD level 5 and EASA FNPT II certification at the same time, achieving the first-class level in the world. Recognized as the industry leader in the FTD based on theproprietary technology advantages and experience, U-Wing is an international supplier with a grand vision set to play a pivotal role in the era of the Global Aviation Training Revolution.

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