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【航电教程】模拟飞行 G1000 NXi v6.0 OBS模式 目视进近 交通地图页面

发表于 2022-11-22 02:06:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

https://www.youtube.com/@KipOnTheGroundIn the G1000 NXi version 0.6.0, we get OBS Mode, Visual Approaches, a new Traffic Map page (with Motion Vector and Altitude Range settings), and many bug fixes. You can get the G1000 NXi add-on directly in the 模拟飞行

【航电教程】模拟飞行 G1000 NXi v6.0 OBS模式 目视进近 交通地图页面-5056
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