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发表于 2022-9-27 16:04:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我使用的是http://www.***.org/网站导出的数据,在ArcMap10.1里使用OpenStreetMapToolbox里的LoadOSMFile工具向ArcMap10.1里导入OSM数据时,报错:“Unabletolocatetheosm_...  我使用的是http://www.***.org/网站导出的数据,在ArcMap10.1里使用OpenStreetMap Toolbox里的Load OSM File工具向ArcMap10.1里导入OSM数据时,报错:
“Unable to locate the osm_***.xml”在插件的安装路径下有这个文件,为什么工具不认呢?
请问有人遇到过类似的问题吗?如何解决的啊?  展开
发表于 2022-9-27 16:17:41 | 显示全部楼层
Hello Stefan,
The osm_***.xml file should get installed with the ArcGIS Editor for OSM. It sounds like perhaps your instance is not finding it at the location where it wants to look for it.  Here is how to check: In ArcMap, enable the Editor toolbar (e.g., Customize menu at top, select "Toolbars", make sure "Editor" is checked).  Then when you click on the "Editor" button on the Editor toolbar, you'll see at the bottom of the menu "Options". Click Options, and select the OpenStreetMap tab in the Options window.  The second field in that window is "OSM Domains", and should be a filepath to the osm_***.xml file.  Check the following:
1) Does the domain listed there exist on your computer?
2) If so, is there an osm_***.xml file at that location (probably not)?
3) In either case, do this: Browse to the place where you installed ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap (e.g., typically something like C:\Program Files\ESRI\OSMEditor) and open the "Bin" folder. Is there an "osm_***.xml" file there? If so, update this OMS Domains parameter in the OpenStreetMap options on the Editor toolbar to the location of your osm_***.xml file - something like C:\Program Files\ESRI\OSMEditor\Bin\osm_***.xml. Then Click OK.  ArcMap should remember this preference and you should no longer see the error.
Let me know if this works for you.

source: https://esriosmeditor.***.com/discussions/431408
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