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☆皇牌空战突击地平线 技能列表

发表于 2014-3-25 23:18:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Rookie (F/M/A/H)
Increases flight bonuses awarded to all members of flight.
This skill is intended for new pilots and will lose its effect
after obtaining 100,000 points.

Unlock: Initial skill
開啟: 初始技能

Enhanced MG (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the fire power of your machine gun.

Unlock: 2000 pts
開啟: 兩千點 pts

MG Cool Down (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Adds a machine gun cooling unit for quicker cool down.

Unlock: 2000 pts
開啟: 兩千點 pts

Wide Range MG (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Allows machine gun to scatter, making it easier to hit enemies.
使機槍有散射的效果 使其更容易擊中敵人

Unlock: Unlocl 10 skills 5000 pts
開啟: 購買十個技能 五千點 pts

Extra MGP (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the load capacity of your MGP.

Unlock: Unlocl 10 skills 10,000 pts
開啟: 購買十個技能 一萬點 pts

Enhanced Missiles (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the firepower of your missiles.

Unlock: 10,000 pts
開啟: 一萬點 pts

Enhanced Missiles+ (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Dramatically increase the firepower of your missiles,
but lowers the aircraft's durability.
但相對會減低機體耐力 體感上比Untouchable強些

Unlock: 50,000 pts
開啟: 五萬點 pts

Extra Missiles (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the aircraft's missile carrying capacity.

Unlock: 10,000 pts
開啟: 一萬點 pts

Homing Missiles (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the homing capabilities of missiles.

Unlock: 30,000 pts
開啟: 三萬點 pts

Long-Range Missiles (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the range of missiles.

Unlock: 80,000 pts
開啟: 八萬點 pts

Enhanced Bombs (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the firepower of your bombs

Unlock: 10,000 pts
開啟: 一萬點 pts

Extra Bombs (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the aircraft's bomb carrying capacity.

Unlock: 10,000 pts
開啟: 一萬點 pts

Enhanced RKTL (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the firepower of your rocket launchers.

Unlock: 10,000 pts
開啟: 一萬點 pts

Extra RKTL (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the aircraft's carrying capacity for rocket launchers.

Unlock: 5,000 pts
開啟: 五千點 pts

Long Range RKTL (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the range of rocket launchers.

Unlock: 30,000 pts
開啟: 三萬點 pts

Enhanced ECM (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the duration of your ECM.

Unlock: 5,000 pts
開啟: 五千點 pts

Wide Range ECM (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increases the range of your ECM, resulting in a wider area of effectiveness.

Unlock: 30,000 pts
開啟: 三萬點 pts

Extra ECM (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Invrease the ECM payload

Unlock: 50,000 pts
開啟: 五萬點 pts

Enhanced DFM (FAS/F/M/)
Increase the ease of initiating DFM.

Unlock: 10,000 pts
開啟: 一萬點 pts

Enhanced ASM (FAS/M/A)
Increase the ease of initiating DFM.

Unlock: 10,000 pts
開啟: 一萬點 pts

Quick Assault (FAS/F/M)
Greatly reduces the charge time for the assault circle during DFM.

Unlock: 10,000 pts
開啟: 一萬點 pts

Enhanced Direct Shot (FAS/F/M)
Increase the ease of performing a direct shot.

Unlock: 80,000 pts
開啟: 八萬點 pts

Auto maneuver (F/M)
Automatically activates counter maneuver of aircraft, However, automatic activation is slower than manual.

Unlock: 2,000 pts
開啟: 兩千點 pts

Quick Charge (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase weapon loading speed.

Unlock: 10,000 pts
開啟: 一萬點 pts

Throttle Boost (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase throttle performance.

Unlock: 30,000 pts
開啟: 三萬點 pts

Quick Turn (FAS/F/M/A)
Increase turning performance

Unlock: 30,000 pts
開啟: 三萬點 pts  

Quick Brake (FAS/F/M/A)
Increase deceleration performance.

Unlock: 10,000 pts
開啟: 一萬點 pts

Extra Armor (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Reduce damage by adding additional armor.

Unlock: 50,000 pts
開啟: 五萬點 pts

Quick Respawn (F/M/A/H)
Reduce respawn time (competitive online only)

Unlock: 30,000 pts
開啟: 三萬點 pts

Stealth (F/M/A)
Gives aircraft stealth capabilities (excluding helicopter)
使機體擁有匿蹤能力 直昇機除外 增加攻擊機存活率? ☆皇牌空战突击地平线 技能列表-429

Unlock: 80,000 pts
開啟: 八萬點 pts

Wide DFM Support (FAS/F/M/)
Increase the ease of initiating DFM support.

Unlock: 50,000 pts
開啟: 五萬點 pts

Wide ASM Support (FAS/M/A)
Increase the ease of initiating ASM support.

Unlock: 50,000 pts
開啟: 五萬點 pts

Global ASM (M/A)
Initiate ASM against ground enemies at will.
可自由進入空襲模式 紙雷達跟Base確立www

Unlock: Unlocl 10 skills 10,000 pts
開啟: 購買十個技能 一萬點 pts

Quick Base Capture (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the speed of capturing bases in Domination with a high-spec fire control system.
加快佔領基地的時間 Domination專用

Unlock: 50,000 pts
開啟: 五萬點 pts

Enhanced Blades (FAS/H)
Applies a special process to attack helicopter blades, increasing maximum flight altitude.

Unlock: 5,000 pts
開啟: 五千點 pts

Missile Focus (H)
Increasethe ease of obtaining enemy targets and intercepting enemy missiles when flying an attack helicopter
(competitive online only0

Unlock: 2,000 pts
開啟: 兩千點 pts

Auto Escape (H)
Automatically activate counter maneuver when piloting an attack helicopter. However automatic activation is slower than manual activation.

Unlock: 2,000 pts
開啟: 兩千點 pts

Wide Angle and Zoom (FAS/H)
Increase the range for obtaining targets in an attack helicopter.

Unlock: 50,000 pts
開啟: 五萬點 pts

Multi Assault
Increase the size of the assault circle when other aircraft initiate DFM on the same target.

Unlock: 80,000 pts
開啟: 八萬點 pts

Easy Trinity (F/M/A/H)
Allows the EW1 to be used after defeating one enemy player aircraft. It can be used once and must be unlocl again for further use.
擊落一架敵機後即可使用Trinity  但為消費性技能

Unlock: Unlock all purchase skill slot, unlock with 100,000 pts for once use
開啟: 解完所有可購買的技能 十萬點 pts開啟一次
Burst (F/M/A/H)
Increase the aircraft's durability to maxiumu. This ability is lost after using it in 10 battles, and will need to be unlocked again.
使自機耐久度提昇到最大 但為消費性技能(可用於10場配對賽)

Unlock: Unlock all purchase skill slot, unlock with 100,000 pts for once use
開啟: 解完所有可購買的技能 十萬點 pts開啟一次

Extra Missiles+(FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the aircraft's missile carrying capacity while sacrificing the missile firepower.
大量增加普通飛彈載彈量 並以犧牲威力做為交換

Unlock: Get an A on Oil Fields (co-op)
開啟: 在合作關卡Oil Fields中獲得A(日版為S)評價

Enhanced RKTL+(FAS/F/M/A/H)
Dramatically increase the firepower of your rocket launchers while sacrificing the aircraft's durability.
大幅增加火箭炮的威力 並以犧牲機體耐力做為交換

Unlock: Get an A on East African Town (co-op)
開啟: 在合作關卡East African Town中獲得A(日版為S)評價

Quick Turn+(FAS/F/M/A/H)
Dramatically increase turning performance.

Unlock: Get an A on Dubai (co-op)
開啟: 在合作關卡Dubai中獲得A(日版為S)評價

Extra Bombs+(FAS/F/M/A/H)
大量增加炸彈載彈量 並以犧牲威力做為交換

Unlock: Get an A on Derbent (co-op)
開啟: 在合作關卡Derbent中獲得A(日版為S)評價
Throttle Boost+(FAS/F/M/A/H)
Dramatically increase throttle performance.

Unlock: Get an A on ICBM Base (co-op)
開啟: 在合作關卡ICBM Base中獲得A(日版為S)評價

Extra RKTL+(FAS/F/M/A/H)
Increase the aircraft's rocket carrying capacity for the rocket launcher while sacrificing firepower.
大量增加火箭炮載彈量 並以犧牲火箭炮威力做為交換

Unlock: Get an A on Centeral Moscow (co-op)
開啟: 在合作關卡Central Moscow中獲得A(日版為S)評價

Extra Armor+ (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Great reduce damage taken by adding variable armor while sacrificing firepower.
大幅提昇機體耐力 並以犧牲火力做為交換

Unlock: Get an A on Moscow (co-op)
開啟: 在合作關卡Moscow中獲得A(日版為S)評價

Double Assault (FAS/F/M)
Charges the assault circle twice as much and increases its power.
追擊圈的二次蓄力條開啟 蓄力完成可大幅增加殺傷力

Unlock: Get an A on Miami (co-op)
開啟: 在合作關卡Miami中獲得A(日版為S)評價

Fighter Pilot (F)
Increases points received when flying a fighter.

Unlock: Get an A on the fighter mission (Free Mission)
開啟: 在自由關卡下使用戰機的關卡中獲得A(日版為S)評價

Multirole Pilot (M)
Increase points received when flying a multirole.

Unlock: Get an A on the multirole mission (Free Mission)
開啟: 在自由關卡下使用多功能機的關卡中獲得A(日版為S)評價

Attacker Pilot (A)
Increase points received when flying a attacker.

Unlock: Get an A on the attacker mission (Free Mission)
開啟: 在自由關卡下使用攻擊機的關卡中獲得A(日版為S)評價
Helicopter Pilot (H)
Increase points received when flying a helicopter.

Unlock: Get an A on the helicpoter mission (Free Mission)
開啟: 在自由關卡下使用直昇機的關卡中獲得A(日版為S)評價

Ace (F/M/A/H)
Increases points received when flying any aircraft.

Unlock: Get an A on the all free mission (Free Mission)
開啟: 所有自由關卡獲得A(日版為S)評價

MG Cool Down+ (FAS/F/M/A/H)
Adds a high=spec machine gun cooling unit for quicker cool-down while sacrificing firepower.
加快機炮的冷卻時間 並以犧牲機炮火力做為交換

Unlock: Limited Edition DLC
開啟: 特典下載

Enhanced ASM+ (FAS/M/A)
Increase the ease of initiating DFM, while making it more difficult to initiate DFM.
使ASM(空襲模式)更容易進入 但較難進入DFM

Unlock: Limited Edition DLC
開啟: 特典下載

Enhanced DFM+ (FAS/F/M)
Increase the ease of initiating DFM, while making it more difficult to initiate ASM.
使DFM(狗戰/空戰模式)更容易進入 但較難進入ASM

Unlock: Limited Edition DLC
開啟: 特典下載

Untouchable (F/M/A/H)
Increases firepower on all fronts, while sacrificing your aircraft's defense.

Unlock: Obtain an armor bonus in each of the free missions
開啟: 在所有的自由關卡中獲得Armor獎勵

Enhanced MG+ (FAS/F/M/A/H)    (2011/10/24追加)
Dramatically increase the firepower of your MG at the cost of making it easier to overheat.        
機槍火力的最強化 但會有更容易過熱的現象

Unlock: Obtain all call signs
開啟: 獲得所有稱號後取得

Gun Enthusiast (FAS/F/M/A/H)    (2011/10/25追加)
Increase machine gun firepower and makes it less prone to overheating,
in exchange for missile power, carrying capacity and durability.
機槍性能最優化(火力增強 不易過熱) 但需犧牲飛彈火力 載量及機體防禦

Unlock: Obtain a set (200) of machine gun bonus points in each free mission
開啟: 在自由關卡任務中 獲得機槍獎勵
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