X-Plane 10 Tree Lines and Farms V2(x-plane10 农场和树木 v2)
The "X-Plane 10 tree lines and farms V2" scenery is the second version of an overlay add-on for X-Plane 10. It tries to add "visual clutter" (tree lines and farms) to the usually relatively dull landscape of agricultural areas and grassy areas. Like in real life, with this add on, tree lines will follow - randomly - many of the roads, railroads, and the coastline of lakes or riverbanks. Every now or then, you will also find farms standing around. All in all, this gives a much more "lively" feel to the default scenery and it is best used together with HD Mesh Scenery V2!**** Hidden Message *****
会不会很大啊 谢谢分享~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ maowei529 发表于 2014-3-1 16:12
不客气。:D 谢谢分享,回复看看多大 好帖!!!顶!!! 非常不错不错 多谢分享 这个看起来很不错…… Thank's a lot !!! 收了!!!!!!!!!! 恩,这个绿色看起来好点 好东西,支持了!谢谢LZ分享 貌似有一个不能下 感谢分享!!!!!!! 谢谢分享
。 看起来不错哦 谢谢楼主分享。。。 下来看看,谢谢分享 谢谢楼主,有很多地景光秃秃的,实在太难看了 不错,顶一个收了。。。