131 发表于 2018-10-24 20:27:00

奔跑的小狗 发表于 2018-10-24 18:48
不用下载了,就两个模型 我删掉了,刷新网盘再下载一遍 替换就可以了


131 发表于 2018-10-24 20:34:22

奔跑的小狗 发表于 2018-10-24 18:34
没有安装3d_people资源库,两种解决方法;可以去org直接下载,或者...我会再发一个更新版 ...

还是不行 3d people我下了还是缺文件地景没显示你截图那样

131 发表于 2018-10-24 20:35:38

奔跑的小狗 发表于 2018-10-24 18:48
不用下载了,就两个模型 我删掉了,刷新网盘再下载一遍 替换就可以了


G64:71.069: Livery Changed:()Folder:(Aircraft/Laminar Research/Stinson L5/)
0:01:11.200 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_tak apt:YLHI rwy:10
0:01:11.662 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: -33+159
0:01:11.662 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: -31+157
0:01:11.662 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: -33+157
0:01:11.662 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: -31+159
0:01:11.662 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: -33+158
0:01:11.662 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: -31+160
0:01:11.662 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: -33+160
0:01:11.662 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: -31+158
0:01:11.662 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: -32+160
0:01:11.662 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: -32+157
0:01:11.662 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'lib/trees/park.for', referenced from scenery package 'Custom Scenery/Star Atlas_YLHI_Lord Howe Island/'.
0:01:11.662 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/Star Atlas_YLHI_Lord Howe Island/Earth nav data/-40+150/-32+159.dsf:
0:01:11.662 E/SCN: The art asset 'lib/trees/park.for' could not be found.
0:01:11.662 E/SCN: DSF canceled due to missing art assets, file=Custom Scenery/Star Atlas_YLHI_Lord Howe Island/Earth nav data/-40+150/-32+159.dsf, err=15 (dsf_ErrCanceled).
0:01:11.662 E/SCN: WARNING: got error on DSF load for scenery file -32, 159, Custom Scenery/Star Atlas_YLHI_Lord Howe Island/
0:01:11.662 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0:01:11.662 E/SYS: | 以下地景包有问题,其未被加载:
0:01:11.662 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/Star Atlas_YLHI_Lord Howe Island/
0:01:11.662 E/SYS: | 它需要一个未安装的补充库地景包,或者缺少一些文件。
0:01:11.662 E/SYS: | http://lookup.x-plane.com/_lookup_11_/missing_custom_scenery.html
0:01:11.662 E/SYS: | (io_dsf.cpp:712)
0:01:11.662 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0:01:11.662 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1689218 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/-40+150/-32+159.dsf (8290 tris)
0:01:11.662 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: -32+158
FlyWithLua: User switched to a new airport (or changed the plane). Script files have to be reloaded.
FlyWithLua Info: Lua engine (re)started. LUA_RUN = 1, SDK_VERSION = 301, XPLANE_VERSION = 11260, XPLANE_LANGUAGE = Unknown and XPLANE_HOSTID = 1
FlyWithLua Info: HID access initialized.

奔跑的小狗 发表于 2018-10-24 21:08:15

131 发表于 2018-10-24 20:35


131 发表于 2018-10-24 21:12:30

奔跑的小狗 发表于 2018-10-24 21:08
两种可能,xp版本低于11.26,MisterX资源库版本低于1.61;park.for仅存在于这两个资源库里 ...

都没问题 两个都符合要求

奔跑的小狗 发表于 2018-10-24 22:06:21

131 发表于 2018-10-24 21:12
都没问题 两个都符合要求


gtgtaaa 发表于 2018-10-24 22:32:05


CZ0787 发表于 2018-10-25 00:47:38


huochairen 发表于 2018-11-30 20:40:48


stephenneo 发表于 2019-5-5 09:19:46


ZJ520 发表于 2020-3-23 14:47:43


ihittesla 发表于 2020-3-24 09:33:10


1014213423 发表于 2020-4-6 19:15:24


18922832392 发表于 2020-4-7 12:32:38

页: 1 [2]
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