roylic 发表于 2018-9-18 22:28:12


Release 3.30c (hot fix only):
- fixed FMC freeze
- fixed brakes
- fixed chocks on startup
Note: You need install 3.30b and then ovewrite files with this package (3.30c).

Release 3.30b:
- fixed turn to next waypoint for long distance
- fixed LVL CHG and VNAV climb mode
- fixed speedbrakes if you have assigned speedbrake axis in xplane
- fixed small bugs
- fixed and corrected winglets
- fixed fmod sound
- new textures and PBR for GPU
Note: If you use speedbrake axis, be sure your hardware lever is not noisy.

Release 3.30a (hot fix only):
- fixed crash for MacOS and Linux

Release 3.30:
- corrected texture switches
- corrected IRS aligned time
- corected A/T move
- add APP geometric descent path mode (optional FULL/APP geo des)
- corrected landing gear extend/retract times
- A/P disconnect by input yoke
- improved LNAV and VNAV code
- corrected FMC (N1 takeoff thrust page,...)
- improved EFB mac, mac zfw
- corrected FMC SPD if drop speed during VNAV descent below 15 kts
- corrected idle thrust after reach target speed during VNAV descent
- hold -1000 fpm during VNAV descent (minimal descent rate, if above VNAV path)
- new EFB with adjusting stand and toggle command hide/show
- add FMC Boeing type
- add annunciate FUEL USED on EICAS and Lower DU
- add block altitude restrict on FMC (LEGS page)
- add option IRS position entry message during align
- add option Long LED strobes
- add paper checklist
- add custom eletric and manual elevator trim
- add landing pulselite lights (optional)
- add winglets types (none, blended, split)
- add SatCom (none, front, rear, both)
- add About AviTab icon
- add LED landing lights (optional)
- add HUD object (optional)
- add lock LNAV/VNAV if selected prior to Takeoff mode
- fixed flap maneuver speed during VNAV descent
- optional retractable landing lights
- changed FMC navigation switch (graphics of switch)
- new FMOD with new PA messages (Europe too)
- add own speedbrake code
- add animate in replay mode: throttle levers, speedbrake lever, landing gear lever, flap lever
- add commands and annunciates for doors
- corrected duct bleed pressure system
- corrected altitude alert system
- and more

saxy_60 发表于 2018-9-19 07:45:03


redchen5204 发表于 2018-9-19 07:59:20


ccbryant 发表于 2018-9-19 09:52:26


glay5457 发表于 2018-9-19 10:23:33

3.3在吃cpu性能上明显高过3.29 暂不升级

xianghenygi 发表于 2018-9-19 12:06:15

ccbryant 发表于 2018-9-19 09:52
免费的开发者都认真的快速的更新,carenado他妈的总是说要等11.30才更新,fuck ...


wowo 发表于 2018-9-19 13:30:29


feixingjia 发表于 2018-9-19 13:35:30


甜蜜树生长 发表于 2018-9-19 15:20:27

解压出来有四个文件夹 怎样安装呀

saxy_60 发表于 2018-9-19 15:32:52


mjtj_lby 发表于 2018-9-19 21:33:04


空想主义 发表于 2018-9-20 01:07:24

我一直没敢升 保持着3.27。。。

moscowsu 发表于 2018-9-20 02:01:36


roylic 发表于 2018-9-20 10:13:12

Release 3.30d (hot fix only):
- fixed IAN (FAC)
- fixed beacon lights
- fixed small bugs

drive google显示有3.30e

rlubb 发表于 2018-9-20 14:35:18


三轮蹬不蹬 发表于 2018-9-20 15:48:41

moscowsu 发表于 2018-9-20 02:01
已经飞了几段,界面和FMC优化非常惊喜,很爽的感觉。惊喜之余还是得说说不足,不足还是那个老问题,气动… ...

气动没有这么简单它用默认机738作为基础 所以气动方面我感觉不会改 要改也很难改

moscowsu 发表于 2018-9-20 16:33:48

502908453 发表于 2018-9-20 15:48
气动没有这么简单它用默认机738作为基础 所以气动方面我感觉不会改 要改也很难改 ...


hocool16 发表于 2018-9-20 17:10:26

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