Why is XP11 so hazy?
I'm running the laest X-Plane 11rc1... but I notice that the colors are so washed out and hazy, is it suppose to be like this??? Also how can I fix those horrible default sky colors... I can't stand them. I have SMP 4.0 and even tried changing the sky colors, and restarting the sim doesn't seem to change anything. It still looks the same to me.您的英语水平有待提高啊 他英语很不错呀。不过我确实不知道答案。 I strongly recommendyou to go to a English forum so you can get more information,or you can try to translate into Chinese before you post. Most of members in this forum don't understand English. 英语很好 看得我一脸懵逼 spider767 发表于 2017-4-25 16:01
I strongly recommendyou to go to a English forum so you can get more information,or you can try to ...
支持。我已经都提醒他,不知道他为什么非要这样 computer1987 发表于 2017-4-26 09:22
我猜他是想要飞行币吧,可以在这样下载他想要的东西。 本帖最后由 kelvinlo01 于 2017-4-26 16:37 编辑
it could be a graphics problem,but you'd better look into weather settings with SMP before drawing up any conclusions...
I'm an XP10 user and not sure about XP11....but hope it helps During the development of X-Plane 11, Laminar Research's decision on modifying the haze might've been an influence of the "Real Terra Haze" plugin, which featured a similar but adjustable haze in the atmosphere.
If you have access, this link may assist you in improving your sky colors. Good luck.
http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/114681-xp-11-better-sky-released/ 這是XP11的BUG,正式版就沒問題了。 computer1987 发表于 2017-4-26 09:22