Aerofly FS Global B777-300ER 现实化参数调整
本帖最后由 FlyOverAsia 于 2024-1-25 22:19 编辑实机视频
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#### 《菜单》
\*\*【Aerofly FS Global B777-300ER现实化参数调整】\*\*
下载链接:[****]( "点这里")
文件内容:Aerofly FS Globa B777-300ER现实化参数调整配置文件
适用游戏:Aerofly FS Globa
\*\*【Aerofly FS 4 B777现实化参数调整】\*\*
下载链接:[****]( "点这里")
文件内容:Aerofly FS 4 B777-300ER现实化参数调整配置文件
适用游戏:Aerofly FS 4
安装方式:Extract it into the "aircrafts" folder to add the mod files. If you need to restore the official version, just delete all folders the mod provides or make a backup in advance!
#### 《进阶使用说明》
\*\*Fuel Change :\*\*
The unit of measurement is the kilogram.
1.When you change the mass of fuel sum them and adjust the value.

2.Sum the value of all fuel on aircraft and adjust the valve of Fuel on board.

\*\*Payload Change :\*\*
The unit of measurement is the kilogram.
1.Change the mass of payload and cargo.

2.Sum them and add 167832.0 to get the Zero Fuel Weight on your plane.

( ZeroFuelWeight = AircraftWeight 167.832t + PayloadWeight and CargoWeight )
Plane can only read these values to get total weight displayed on CDU in game.
Mass decides the physical weight in game.
#### 《更新日志》
What did OD modify?
1.The aerodynamic model modified again and again. Fix some errors when compare to real plane videos or PMDG777. Now it wouldn't pitch up some much on cruise. And joystick will be much heavier than before when landing. Someone told me the experience become much closer to XLPANE.
2.Modified the elasticity of the wing, so that it has close to the real physical performance at all times.
3.Some changes have been made to EGT. But it doesn't quite match the real situation. OD thought he needed someone who is very good at aeroengines to help him with all the modifications, maybe jet-pack would offer some more helps?
4.Adjust the pilot view for a better control of PFD and outside.
5.Now the auto spoiler will not be opened early, and the automatic brakes will not be activated early.
Follow the SOP and enjoy the perfect experience in your flight now!
What did OD modify?
1.The aerodynamic model modified again. It is now close to the performance mentioned by FCOM and PMDG777 in Prepar3D. Similar scenes can also be seen in the real 77w video.
2.Adjust some parameters about engine delay time. It is almost close to the data released by Boeing except for EGT, OD did not find the most correct modification method at the moment.
3.The landing gear has been tweaked for heavier, more realistic performance.
4.Adjust the weight of 77w and the actual data in CDU.
5.Modify the aircraft's FlyByWire to correct the application to be consistent with the above data.
Hope you have fun flying this more realistic 77w!