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Avoiding tail Strikes



Any airplane model can experience a tail strike. Although there are a number of reasons tail strikes occur, they can almost always be avoided. the key to avoidance is ongoing training of flight crews and an emphasis on following prescribed procedures.


By Capt. Dave Carbaugh, chief pilot, Flight operations Safety, and

Capt. linda Orlady, chief pilot, Flight technical & Safety

Because of the severe damage tail strikes can cause, they can result in millions of dollars in repair costs and lost revenue.it is even possible for a tail strike to cause pressure bulkhead failure, which can lead to structural failure. however, all of these scenarios can be prevented by providing regular training to help flight crews understand what causes tail strikes and ensuring that they follow specific standard procedures.


Tail strikes often result from a lack of awareness of their potential on the partof flight crews. this can be mitigatedby providing crews with reminders of prevention strategies on a recurring basis. it’s also important to promote discussion about tail strikes among members of the flight crew as part of takeoff and landing briefings, particularly when strong wind conditions are present.


Boeing conducts extensive research into the causes of tail strikes and designs solutions to prevent them, such as an improved elevator feel system. enhanced preventive measures, such as the tail strike protection feature in the boeing 787 and some777 models, further reduce the probability of incidents.


this article examines tail strike causes and prevention and reviews training recommendations and preventive measures. For additional details, including information about avoiding tail strikes in gusty wind conditions, please see AERO first-quarter 2007.

本文调查机尾撞击成因及其预防措施,同时回顾飞行训练推荐及预防方法。如需其他信息,包括在阵风状态下避免机尾撞击的相关信息请参见AERO 2007一季度版。

Tail strike causes and prevention


takeoffs.A number of factors increasethe chance of a tail strike during takeoff, including:


▍mistrimmed stabilizer.


▍ improper rotation techniques.


▍ improper use of the flight director.


▍ rotation prior to Vr:

   在达到 Vr 之前抬头:

° early rotation: too aggressive.


° early rotation: incorrect takeoff speeds.


° early rotations: especially when there is a significant difference between V1 and Vr.


▍ excessive initial pitch attitude.


▍ Strong gusty winds and/or strong crosswinds may cause loss of airspeed and/or a requirement for lateral flight control inputs that can deploy some flight spoilers, reducing the amountof lift generated by the airplane.

强阵风和/或强侧风 可能导致空速损失,和/或因需要进行侧向飞行控制而打开一些飞行扰流板导致飞机升力减少

▍ improper weight and balance (e.g., improper loading of cargo)


These factors can be allayed by using proper takeoff techniques (refer to the flight operations manual for specific model information), including:


▍ executing normal takeoff rotation technique. For current production airplanes, the feel pressure should be the same as long as the center of gravity/weight and balance are done correctly. For most cases, there is no reason to be aggressive during rotation.


▍ Rotating at the appropriate time. Rotating early, prior to Vr means less lift and less aft tail clearance.

在合适的时间抬头。抬头过早、在Vr 之前抬轮意味着升力不足和机尾离地距离不足

▍ Rotating at the proper rate. Do not rotate at an excessive rate or to an excessive attitude. Boeing manuals provide guidance for each model.


▍ Using correct takeoff V speeds. Be sure to adjust for actual thrust used and be familiar with quick reference handbook and airplane operating manual procedures for takeoff speed calculations.


▍ Consider using a greater flap setting to provide additional tail clearance on some models.


▍ Using the proper amount of aileron_ to maintain wings level on takeoff roll.


Landings. Tail strikes on landing generally cause more damage than takeoff tail strikes because the tail may strike the runway before the main gear, damaging the aft pressure bulkhead.


These factors increase the chance of a tail strike during landing:


▍ unstabilized approach


▍ Holding airplane off the runway in the flare.


▍ Mishandling of crosswinds.


▍ Overrotation during go-around.


Following proper procedures and maintaining a stabilized approach can reduce the chance of a tail strike during landing. Additional items include:


▍ Fly the approach at the specified target airspeed and maintain an airspeed of Vref + 5 knot minimum to start of flare.


▍ The airplane should be in trim at start of flare; do not trim in the flare or after touchdown.


▍ Do not prolong the flare in an attempt to achieve a perfectly smooth touchdown.


▍ Use only the appropriate amount of rudder/aileron during crosswind approaches and landing.


▍ Following main landing gear touchdown, when the pilot flying (PF) is assured that the main landing gear will remain on the runway, relax the back pressure on the control column and gently fly the nose wheel onto the runway


▍ Do not allow pitch attitude to increase after touchdown.


▍ Do not attempt to use aerodynamic braking by holding the nose off the ground.


Sometimes the best decision for a successful approach is a go-around. It is important that the culture within the airline promote go-arounds when needed without punitive measures.


Training recommendations and preventive measures


Tail strikes can be prevented. The most effective means of prevention is a training program that reinforces proper takeoff and landing procedures. There are a number of steps both management and flight crews can take to help prevent tail strikes.




▍ Ensure instructors and valuators stress proper landing and takeoff techniques during all training and valuations.


▍ Make tail strike prevention part of the safety program through posters, briefings, videos, computer-based training, and other elements that are available from Boeing Field Service representatives.


▍ Make tail clearance measuring tools available in the simulator for all takeoffs and landings during simulator training and valuations and provide feedback to crews.


▍ Use a self-measuring tail strike operational tool in the airline’s fleet (see “Flight Crew” section below).

在机队中使用自测机尾撞击操作工具(见下面 “机组” 部分)

▍ Ensure that flight operational quality assurance programs are not used as a punitive device.


Flight Crew


▍ Adhere to proper takeoff and landing techniques.


▍ Never assume — double-check the takeoff data, especially if something doesn’t look right. Coordinate insertion of the zero fuel weight (ZFW) in the flight management computer with another crew member. Double-check data with the load sheet. Inaccurate (i.e., low) ZFW entries have caused significant tail strikes.

从不假定-复核起飞数据,尤其在有些数据看起来不对时。在飞行管理计算机中与另一个机组程序配合录入零燃油重量 (ZFW)。使用装载表复核相关数据。不正确的 ZFW (如过低)已经造成过严重的机尾撞击

▍ Know your airplane — having an idea about the approximate takeoff and approach speeds can help catch gross errors.


▍ When setting airspeed bugs, ensure that the speeds make sense based on your experience.


▍ Be aware of the differences between models and types, especially when transitioning from other equipment. Boeing manuals contain touchdown body attitudes and tail clearance information.


▍ If a tail strike occurs, follow the checklist. Even if you only suspect you have had a tail strike, act as if you were positive you did.


▍ Make sure that crew resource management is an integral part of training. Crews can get complacent during routine operations, yet a real threat exists, especially in strong gusty crosswinds. How the crew plans for and mitigates the threat can make the difference between a safe takeoff or landing and one that results in a tail strike. Every crew should have a plan for identifying and discussing the threat. For example:


° The entire crew should review appropriate crosswind takeoff procedures and techniques for operating in strong gusty winds.


° The PF should review threat strategy for the takeoff or landing with the pilot monitoring (PM).


° The PM should monitor airspeed versus rotation callout to the PF and identify airspeed stagnation during the rotation phase to takeoff target pitch attitude.


° During takeoff, the PM should monitor pitch rate and attitude and call out any deviations and be prepared to intervene.


Other approaches include a selfmonitoring tail strike analysis tool that provides a pitch report for every takeoff and landing. If the tail gets within 2 degrees of a potential tail strike, an auto printout is provided to the crew after the respective takeoff or landing. Airlines that have adopted this program have had significant drops in tail strike rates.


Prevention and Detection measures


Boeing is actively developing tail strike prevention and detection measures. Some airplane models have additional features that help prevent or detect tail strikes:


787 tail strike protection.During takeoff or landing, the primary flight computers calculate if a tail strike is imminent and decrease elevator deflection, if required, to reduce the potential for tail contact with the ground. Activation of tail strike protection does not provide feedback to the control column. Authority is limited so that pilot input can override its effect and rotate to tail contact attitude via additional column force. Protection does not degrade takeoff performance and is compatible with the autoland system.


787 tail strike detection system. The tail strike alert system detects ground contact which could damage the airplane pressure hull. A two-inch blade target and two proximity sensors are installed on the aft body of the airplane. The EICAS caution message TAIL STRIKE is displayed when a tail strike is detected. This indication is accompanied by a beeper and Master CAUTION light.

787擦尾探测系统。 擦尾告警系统可以探测会损坏飞机耐压壳体的触地现象。一个两英寸长的目标叶片(bladetarget)和两个接近传感器被安装到飞机的机尾。但探测到擦尾后,会显示一个TAILSTRIKE的EICAS告警信息。这个信息指示伴随有“哔哔”声和MasterCAUTION灯亮起。

777 tail strike protection. If installed, the flight control system receives input that a tail strike is imminent, and elevator deflection is decreased to reduce the potential for ground contact. Elevator deflection will not activate during a normal rotation and will not provide feedback to the control column.


777-300/-300ER semi-levered main landing gear. Because the vast majority of the weight of the airplane is borne by the lift of the wings at the time of rotation, the semi-levered gear acts as if it were pushing down like a longer gear. This allows a higher pitch attitude for the same tail clearance or more clearance for the same pitch attitude. A hydraulic strut provides the energy to provide this increased takeoff performance. Although designed to increase takeoff capability, it provides increased tail clearance for the same weight and thrust as non-equipped airplanes.


777-300/-300ER tail skid.The tail skid helps protect the pressurized part of the airplane from contact with the runway. The tail skid retracts and extends along with the landing gear and is connected to the center hydraulic system. If the tail skid position disagrees with the landing gear lever position, the EICAS advisory message TAIL SKID appears. Tail skid contact with the runway will not cause the TAIL STRIKE message to appear unless the tail strike sensor has also made contact.


737-800/-900 tail skid.The tail skid assembly consists of a cartridge assembly, tail skid, fairing (skirt), and shoe. The fairing provides an enclosure for the actual tail skid structure. The shoe is fitted to the bottom of the fairing. The cartridge assembly consists of a crushable honeycomb material. When the tail skid strikes the runway, the skid moves upward and the honeycomb material crushes. The shoe contacts the runway in the event of an overrotation.


Douglas twinjet tail bumpers.All Douglas twinjet models have tail bumpers similar to the tail skids on Boeing models.


MD-11 pitch attitude protection (PAP).The MD-11 has a PAP feature of the longitudinal stability augmentation system. Refer to the MD-11 Flight Crew Operations Manual for a detailed description.

MD-11俯仰角保护(PAP)。 MD-11飞机具有PAP纵向增稳系统。详情可参见MD-11飞机飞行操作手册。

If a Tail Strike Occurs


In the event that a tail strike occurs, the air carrier must perform. a tail skid inspection and tail strike inspection as specified in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual, chapter 5.




Tail strikes are preventable. Boeing’s recommendations for preventing tail strikes are consistent with Boeing’s philosophy of addressing operational issues through training, procedures, and technologies.


If standard recommendations are followed for all Boeing models, the chance of tail strikes is greatly reduced. Training is the key to preventing tail strikes.



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