1. 航后检查发现左后航行灯不亮。
Postflight check found L AFT NAV light noton.
2. 短停检查发现右前轮见线。
Transit check found R nose wheel exposedthreads.
3. 航前检查发现2号ATC故障。
Preflight check found No.2 ATC fault.
4. 航后检查发现左外刹车组件指示销磨损超标。
Postflight check found L outboard brakeASSY indicating pin worn out of limits.
5. 航后检查发现左起落架一液压管漏油超标。
Postflight check found a hydraulic line ofL LDG leakage out of limits.
更换(件)……,检查 / 测试正常
1. 短停更换前轮,检查正常。
In transit replaced R nose wheel,check OK.
2. 更换2号ATC收发机后,测试正常.
After replaced No.2 ATC transceiver,test OK.
3. 航后更换左主轮,检查正常。
Replaced L main wheel in postflight,check OK.
4. 更换左外刹车组件,增压检查正常。
Replaced L outboard brake ASSY,pressurization check OK.
5. 更换左发右点火导线,测试正常。
Replaced L engine right ignition lead,test OK.
6. 更换前起落架减振支柱充气活门,地面检查无渗漏。
Replaced nose gear shock strut chargingvalve,no leakage inGND check.
7. 更换左发17号风扇叶片,地面检查正常。下:M/W31162,上M/W30966
Replaced L engine No.17 fan blade,GND check OK.
part off: M/W31162, part on:M/W30966
8. 更换APU起动机,启动APU工作正常。
Replaced APU starter,APU start OK.
1. 根据工卡3821040001,更换电子/电气冷却供气风扇气滤,通电测试正常。
Per job card 3821040001,replaced E/E cooling fan air filter,test ok.
2. 参考AMM33-43-11,更换左后航行灯灯泡,通电测试正常。
Refer AMM33-43-11,replaced L AFT NAV light bulb,power-on test OK.
3. 按工卡505005921NR/1,更新FMC导航数据库。
Per to job card 505005921 N/R1,updated FMC NAV database.
4. 参考AMM32-31-00,更换液压管,测试无渗漏。
Ref AMM32-31-00,replaced hydraulic line,no leakage found in test.
5. 根据工卡37B241112A内容,更换时控件电瓶,安装固定测试工作正常。
Refer job card 37B241112A,replaced battery,test for installation OK.
1. 短停发现前服务话筒失效,按MEL23-20保留,保留号GY05-0040.
Transit found FWD attendant microphonemalfunction,ref MEL23-30defer,
No. GY05-0040.
2. 按MEL34-36保留,C类,同意放行。
Per MEL34-36 defer category C,released.
3. 按航线维护手册,操纵测试正常,渗油量符合放行标准,同意放行。
Per AMM,control test OK,leakage within limits,released.
按…..,更换……件,测试正常,撤消 / 关闭……保留
1. 按AMM23-20,更换前服务话筒,测试正常,撤消GY05-0040保留。
Refer AMM23-20,replaced fwd attendant microphone,test OK,rescind defer item GY05-0040.
2. 更新FMC导航数据库,通电测试工作正常,右HIS地图方式正常,并关闭MEL保留。
Update FMC NAV database,power-on test OK,R HIS map OK,closed defer item.
3. 清洁并重装左GPS天线,地面测试正常,撤消000573页上的GY050113保留。
Clean and reinstall L GPS antenna,GND test OK,rescind defer GY050113 on page000573.
1. 雷达罩和右发进气道口有鸟击痕迹。
Check found birdstrike on radome and Rengine air inlet.
2. 地面检查雷达罩和右发进气道正常,右发风扇叶片正常,涵道正常。
GND check found radome & R enginenormal,engine fanblades & bypass normal.
……(件)不工作 / 故障 / 故障灯亮
1. 左发右点火器不工作。
L engine igniter INOP.
2. 右HIS地图显示故障。
R HIS map display fault.
3. 巡航过程发现左右管道压力相差过大。
When cruised,found L & R duct pressure much different.
4. 设备冷却系统供气正常位不工作。
Equipment cooling system supply air INOP onNORM.
5. 第二部应答机“ATC FAIL”灯亮。
No.2 transponder “ATC FAIL”light on.
6. 空中气象雷达失效。
In flight weather radar failed.
7. 副翼操纵作动筒漏油。
Aileron control actuator leaked fluid.
8. 自动驾驶B通道无法接通。
Autopilot channel B can’t engage.
9. 空调流量小,制冷效果差。
Air-conditioning flow small,cooling poor.
1. 航后发现前起落架镜面太低,结果发现是充气活门锁不死漏气所致。
Postflight found nose gear mirror too low,check found due charging valve csn’t lock,leak air.
2. 航后发现左外主轮扎伤见线。
Postflight check found L outboard mainwheel exposed threads due punctured.
3. 短停发现右外主轮磨损见线。
Transit check found R outboard gear exposedthreads due wearing.
4. 航后检查发现左主轮磨损见线。
Postflight check found L main gear exposedthreads due wearing.
1. 与B-5041飞机对串磁带放像机,通电测试正常。
Exchange tape reproducer with A/C B-5041,power-on test normal.
2. 为判断B-5067自动刹车故障,将P2-2面板与B-5041对串,通电测试正常。
For troubleshooting autobrake fault of A/CB-5067,robbed P2-2from A/C B5041,power-on testOK.
3. 由于航材缺件,为判断故障,左右发对串引气调节器,试车检查右发引气压力正常。
Due lack parts,for troubleshooting,interchanged bleed air regulator ofR engine with L engine,running-up test normal.
4. 根据非例行工卡,将APU滑油量传感器与B-5041飞机对串,测试正常。
Refer NRC,exchanged APU oil QTY sensor with A/C B-5041,test OK.
1. 更换右发引气调节器,试车正常,左右压力一致。
Replaced R engine bleed air regulator,running-up test OK,pressure same.
1. 清洗设备冷却供气低流量传感器及插头,测试正常。
Clean equipment cooling supply air low flowsensor & plug ,test OK.
2. 地面对DFCS做系统测试正常,清洁MCP板后插头,测试B通道正常。
GND test for DFCS OK,clean MCP aft plug,test for channel B OK.
1. 地面对ATC通电测试工作正常。
Ground power-on test for ATC OK.
1. 接生产调度通知,5067飞机起落次数少记2个,现已更正。
Production notify two cycles added on A/CB-5067.
2. 接生产调度通知,2582飞机起落次数多记3个,现已更正。
Production notify three cycles reduced onA/C B-2582.
3. 接生产调度通知,机身加58分,左发减2分,右发减2分。
Production notify fifty-eight minutes addedon airframe,two minutesreduced
On L and R engine.
4. 接生产调度通知,正常起落减1个。
Production notify one cycle reduced.