咖啡/ 发表于 2022-11-9 18:23:56

关于波音737飞机“Alpha Floor”的知识

冷知识:737 MCP速度窗口在低速的时候会有“A”出现,这个A是什么意思?

前几天有飞行圈圈友问我关于737飞机Alpha Floor的问题,因为最近事情很多,所以到今天才有时间回答他的问题。


什么是Alpha Floor?



简单地说,就是如果空客飞机自动飞行系统,当认为飞机的迎角达到一定的大小,就会触发Alpha Floor保护,自动油门会自动加到TO/GA推力,这些是不受油门位置影响的。

对于737而言,什么Alpha Floor?


查遍所有的飞行员常用手册,也没有关于最后这一句Alpha floor的解释。我们找到了一些相关的资料,这里分享给大家。


The design intent of the autopilot/flight director and autothrottle Alpha Floor operation is to provide an automatic limit on the minimum speed available for airspeed control. Alpha floor protection is incorporated into the autopilot system which sets the minimum speed floors in the autothrottle and autopilot/flight director, which are active when flying a speed mode on the autothrottle (A/T) or, a speed mode on the autopilot/flight director (e.g. LVL CHG or VNAV SPEED). So, the autopilot/autothrottle Alpha Floor functionality is synonymous to minimum speed protection (see attached FCOM excerpts).

When the autopilot is controlling speed (such as when operating in level change or VNAV speed pitch modes) and if the autopilot detects that the airplanes airspeed is approaching the minimum speed (whose value is either the minimum maneuver speed provided by the stall management computer or the low buffet speed provided by the flight management computer) a minimum speed reversion may occur. If the minimum speed reversion does occur, there may be some visual cues that indicate this activity is present:

(a) A is shown next to the leftmost digit of the MCP speed, to indicate Alpha mode and a speed reversion is occurring.

(b) If the airplane was in a climb/descent, the airplane may be commanded by the autopilot to pitch the airplane in an opposing direction in order to recover airplane speed above the minimum speed. (This is referred to the minimum speed reversion)

When the autothrottle is controlling speed (such as in cruise), if the autothrottle detects the airplanes airspeed is approaching the minimum speed (whose value is the same as described above, with exception for airplanes that have the short field performance package and a 737-900ER airplanes, these airplanes use the greater of the stall management minimum maneuver speed and the FMC VREF speed), a minimum speed reversion may occur. If the reversion does occur, there may be some visual cues that indicate this activity is present:

(a) A is shown next to the leftmost digit of the MCP speed, to indicate Alpha mode and a speed reversion is occurring.

(b) The autothrottle will command advancement of the thrust levers in order to recover airplane speed above the minimum speed. (This is referred to the minimum speed reversion)

由上述描述可见,简单地说,Alpha floor对于320来说是油门自动工作,对于波音来说,是有可能飞行指引、自动驾驶和自动油门一起工作。

波音737的Alpha Floor和空客320的还是区别很大的,并不一定像320那样自动加油门。和737飞机本身一样,737的这功能基本上是半自动的,在自动驾驶和自动油门脱开之后,alpha floor功能并不能推杆和加油门,而且即使自动驾驶和自动油门工作,飞行员也是完全可以超控的,这点和320完全不同。

飞行圈 业界良心!










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