战机世界2.1美服 六冠王猎人27000分精彩对局,played by [KAIM INVICTUS]
确实强,猎人天花板。也不知道对面雨燕怎么操作的,绕不过这种速度流的猎人? 先点赞再说 油管网友精彩评论:
KAIM is one of few guys that posts videos of WoWp gameplay where you in principal do not see any tactical or operational mistakes made. His mastery of the aircraft is demonstrated at 1:33 wisely avoiding the cap where P.1092 is a danger and speeding through, at 2:25 killing P.1092 by pressing and releasing fire button not to overheat weapons, at 2:37 during dogfight with Swift (which in theory could outmanoeuvre him but superior use of rudder and ailerons turns the odds) - pressing the manoeuvre consumable only later in the fight, 4:45 taking proper lead for rockets against bomber, and Swift again 7:36 - consumable deployed plus rudder/ ailerons combo, nice attacks on ground targets...wp mate! 这个游戏在哪里下? 带的是抗压服,轻量化,和加推力的那个,再加上摇杆,就可以了,虽然他的操作很润,但是改变不了这个飞机的缺陷。稳盘终究是个问题,加油,兄弟们 这炮的弹道性能卧槽,德系玩家直接看傻了,这个弹道,这个伤害,太卧槽了! 涂装好看,是后加的吗?