X737 800 正式发布了,快来下载吧
x737project version 5 is here!High-end Boeing 737-800 simulation for X-Plane 10.45+ 下载链接: eadt.eu/index.php?new-x737-version-5http://www.eadt.eu/content/images/48da4267e3c45992b2624445effa6a38.jpgx737project version 5 is a free sophisticated simulation of the world's safest and most successful narrowbody airliner Boeing 737NG. Get this airliner for X-Plane 10.45+ Mac/Windows/Linux 32/64bit from our website and enjoy a very realistic flight experience. More than 250 liveries from all over the world contributed by a big number of x737project painters bring your favorite airline on your desktop.x737project is a compley simulation provides by a plugin that is installed with x737project aircraft, adding a huge number of realistic systems like autopilot, fuel systems, pressutization and directional sounds to the simulation. For a perfect FMC we recommend x737FMC by EADT. For homecockpit builders x737project version 5 exports more than 1700 custom datarefs. Every single switch, knob or light provides its state by a dataref. Be aware that x737project is not a game, it is a realistic simulation of a complex system. Enjoy x737project version 5!
http://bbs.chinaflier.com/thread-18303-1-1.html 一起床就发布了,太nice了! 下载了,但是发现ENG Start的旋钮太难转动了,搞得发动机没法启动,郁闷啊:funk: 已经火速下载~谢谢楼主分享消息~:lol 能和p家737同时安装吗? 业界良心啊!免费机模:lol 太棒了!!!等很久了。。。。 不知道飞起来感觉如何 终于出了。。。。 这是正版738吗?????????? 这是正版738吗?怎么下载啊 我怎么没找到下载地址 forestgun 发表于 2016-5-1 07:47
下载了,但是发现ENG Start的旋钮太难转动了,搞得发动机没法启动,郁闷啊 ...
折腾了一下午,基本掌握的冷仓启动的顺序步骤和3D Cockpit各个旋钮按钮的操作方法,准备起飞了:victory: :lol飞行愉快,那个开关是先按住下再转,很真实 这个免费的机模,其实航电做的超级好,不比收费的查啊。按钮也特别真实,椅子还能移动,再买个FMC也是很值的;P 已下載
馬上開來飛看看~~~ lomel 发表于 2016-5-1 18:04
这个免费的机模,其实航电做的超级好,不比收费的查啊。按钮也特别真实,椅子还能移动,再买个FMC也是很值 ...
它的fmc要另外买吗?如果不买是不是就没法用fmc? moshido 发表于 2016-5-8 17:11
对头!这个免费插件做成这样已经很赞了!昨天飞了一把LOWI-LOWW,配合论坛下载的高清地景加上XP10的气动,很有感觉,从fsx到P3D,现在我估计更多会飞XP10了. ggyy292 发表于 2016-5-9 10:07
对头!这个免费插件做成这样已经很赞了!昨天飞了一把LOWI-LOWW,配合论坛下载的高清地景加上XP10的气动,很 ...