[XPX] 高清指示牌标志 TAXI - HD Enhancement Pack
本帖最后由 zhe_613 于 2014-3-23 18:10 编辑his package features high definition, weathered textures that have been carefully crafted to make low resolution signage a thing of the past.
For your convenience, 3 versions are provided (muted, balanced, vibrant), with slight color differences. Pick your favourite !
Includes XP9 and XP10 2k and 4k DDS textures.
Please see the included Read Me for install instructions and details.
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来看看 , 感谢楼主分享 来看看 , 感谢楼主分享 感谢楼主-------------------------------- CSN2013,路过- -。。。。。 很好看。谢谢
来看看 , 感谢楼主分享 求教!这个是怎么安装的啊? kankan!!!!!!!!! 谢谢楼主分享。。 很好很强大,字数补丁 我代表人民感谢你 thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 感觉不错哦! 看着挺清楚,如何安装,谢谢提供! 好啊!!!!!!!!!!! 不错滴!!!!!!!:$:$ 聽有些人說X-Plane比FSX好,可惜我是新飛,不夠飛幣,只好留著口水空巴望。 聽有些人說X-Plane比FSX好,可惜我是新飛,不夠飛幣,只好留著口水空巴望。 很好的东东,收下了