再一次采访当中asobo的ceo谈到:We are currently in touch with almost every government, because the governments oftentimes have great data for their countries. We’re trying to get better DEM, obviously we’ll get better aerials because we have contracts with satellite providers and aerial providers. We send each other pictures like “here’s the current sim we just shipped, and here’s what we can update whenever we’re ready to do that particular world update and holy s***, in some cases it’s a generation ahead. It really is that amazing. Oftentimes our hight field is 5m or 10 m resolution. There’s some data coming in right now it’s 25 centimetres. It is crazy, it looks crazy. The nice thing is we’re gonna be able to give this away for free, the world updates are free.
这是好事,先窃喜一波…… 然而跟我们关系并不大 呵呵 如果微软更新了他们的bing地图,那样应该是一个好详细的,现在的谷歌地图由于大家都知道的政治原因无法使用,查什么也查不到,微软的地图估计不在限制里面的吧 不参与就太可惜了,我们南京的卫星数据大概是在开青奥之前13年的,因为还能看见地铁s8号线建造的贴图 caijie581112 发表于 2020-9-16 10:51
如果微软更新了他们的bing地图,那样应该是一个好详细的,现在的谷歌地图由于大家都知道的政治原因无法使用 ...
很可惜,我们自信的墙国应该不在更新的范围里 唉。。谁知道呢 25cm分辨率都赶上军用地图了吧 希望可以